The guys talk Drunks and commuting, Viagra, Trump Update, Starbucks in Outlook, Tipping, Drinking in strip clubs, Data security training and more.
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The guys talk Drunks and commuting, Viagra, Trump Update, Starbucks in Outlook, Tipping, Drinking in strip clubs, Data security training and more.
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The guys talk Microsoft Build, Workshop Wednesday, Batman v. Superman, and more.
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The guys talk the latest from Apple, Preppers, the latest on Trump, Transformation, self-driving cars, teleportation, and vendor scum.
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The guys talk about the fact that Trump is for real, ELT, Encryption, Movies, Vendor Scum, and Dion’s 4k Masters party!
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The guys talk about John and Sean’s travels, Transformation, Robot Cats, This week in Lonely Bachelor, and Dion whitelisting dick pics.
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The guys talk Oscars, Google Cars, Tesla & Big Oil, and a wee bit of transformation.
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The guys talk Deadpool, Star Wars, Apple vs. FBI, Trump, Transformation, and Hitler’s micro penis.
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The guys talk Jeb Bush domain registration, Apple vs. FBI, Deadpool (spoilers galore), Vendor Scum, Kanye’s broke, Grammy’s, and IT Transformation . . .finally,
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The guys talk Super Bowl, witches in Chicago, Saudi Arabia taxes, and the comedy/talent game.
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The guys talk Dion’s new TV, John’s laptop fix, IBM v IBM, Vendor Scum, WoW, and a rapid fire (for us) tech rundown.
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